Better than Grass-Fed.

We have developed and fine-tuned a process over the years that produces exceptionally high quality beef, while remaining healthy and affordable. Our beef is grass-fed and supplemented with non-GMO grain for great marbling and amazing taste.

Our cattle eat non-GMO feed, and are raised as naturally as possible without operating under the expensive certified organic label. We raise our beef with:

  • No added growth hormones

  • No soy protein

  • No medicated feed

  • No antibiotics

  • Organic fly control and deworming methods

  • Free range, pastured grasses

  • Locally grown, non-GMO grain supplement

We practice rotational grazing, utilizing irrigation, so that our cattle fill up on pasture grasses during the warmer seasons. They are given free-choice alfalfa hay during the winter. We also feed them a small daily ration of grain to ensure delicious taste and good marbling. During the winter months our cattle live in a large outdoor pen with shelter and fresh bedding. The finish time on our beef is usually around 16 months. This system was carefully developed to provide healthy, nutritious meat while achieving maximum flavor and delectable taste.  We are confident that not only will you be pleased with the leanness of our meat, but also the superb tenderness and flavor. And we are able to offer it at a price the average family can afford.

Why do we say “Better than grass-fed?”

Early on in our journey, we found we did not personally care for “grass fed” beef in that we found it too lean with a strong flavor we did not prefer. We began to wonder about the possibility of finding a happy medium where we enjoyed the beef without sacrificing too much of the healthy aspects of it. After several years of experimenting with different approaches to feed and with several different breeds of cattle we arrived at what felt like a good end product. We enjoyed the texture and flavor of the beef but could also tell it was clean and healthy.

With our end product complete we submitted it for nutritional testing to see where it stood against the much-discussed health benefits of grass fed beef. Much to our surprise we found that our beef met or exceeded traditional grass fed beef in all categories. While discussing this revelation we began to feel successful at “having our cake and eating it too.” In the end we felt strongly our product was “better than grass-fed” in that it was more tender and flavorful without sacrificing any health benefits or overall quality. We are confident you will agree once you have tried it.

How to order and buy your delicious beef:

We are always taking orders for quarters and halves of beef. Please contact us for the most up to date information on what we have available.  Please read about the purchasing process to better understand how we handle this. Contact us if you are interested in ordering, or with any questions you have. We want you to be confident with your purchase of great tasting beef! We will be sending out notifications via email once the animals are scheduled for butcher. Orders are taken on a first-come-first-served basis and usually fill very quickly. Please contact us to be placed on our email list so you can make sure you are aware of when we are going to butcher. We also accept advance orders for animals that are not currently scheduled to butcher.

You may also buy our products at Old Town General Store in Lansing, MI.