Our approach to raising beef is holistic and natural. We believe if our cattle are content, healthy, and fed wholesome food, they will provide high quality, great tasting meat for ourselves and others.

Terms you should know:

*Organic beef:  Organic beef is typically grass fed only. Along with that criteria is a strict adherence to feed and medication guidelines. The finish time on grass fed beef is usually around 24 months.

As we investigated the possibility of producing organic beef two drawbacks became apparent to us:  First, we don't prefer the end product of grass fed beef as it is usually very lean and often has a strong taste (most, if not all of the grass fed producers have noteworthy disclaimers on their sites dealing with specialized cooking instructions and a stronger taste). Secondly, the cost to the average consumer is prohibitive (usually $6-$7 per pound hanging weight).  

*Farm raised:  Beef raised by the average farmer in rural America. The approach utilized here is as varied as the farmers doing it. To understand what you are buying would require a case by case examination of each producer.

*Commercial beef:  Beef raised en masse, typically in confinement. The finish time on commercial beef is usually around 12 months. Often, every means possible is utilized to achieve the shortest finish time, i.e. implanted hormones, high protein soy based feed, and restricted movement. Again, to understand what you are buying would require a case by case examination of each producer. Often, the origin of this beef is not available to you as you would be buying it already processed in a grocery store or restaurant.  

Our approach:

We have developed and fine-tuned a process that produces exceptionally high quality beef, while remaining healthy and affordable.

Our cattle eat non-gmo feed, and are raised as naturally as possible without operating under the expensive certified organic label. We raise our beef with:

  • No added growth hormones

  • No soy protein

  • No medicated feed

  • No antibiotics

  • Organic fly control and deworming methods

  • Free range, pastured grasses

  • Locally grown, non-GMO cracked corn and oats

We practice rotational grazing, utilizing irrigation, so that our cattle fill up on pasture grasses during the warmer seasons. They are given free-choice alfalfa hay during the winter. We also feed them a small daily ration of grain to ensure delicious taste and good marbling. During the winter months our cattle live in a large outdoor pen with shelter and fresh bedding. The finish time on our beef is usually around 16 months. This system was carefully chosen to provide healthy, nutritious meat while achieving maximum flavor and cookability.  We are confident that not only will you be pleased with the leanness of our meat, but also the superb tenderness and flavor. And we are able to offer it at a price the average family can afford.